The Auburn City Democratic Committee is open to all registered Democrats who are residents of the City of Auburn. Together we strive to make our community, our state, and our nation the best it can be.

We believe believe that government at every level should work for the people and that everyone should have a fair shot at success. These core beliefs guide our Democratic values — affordable and accessible health care, strong schools, higher incomes, and an economy that works for all Maine people, not just the wealthy few. Read more about our core values and principles.



Chair: Fred Brodeur

Vice Chair: Mike Polk

Secretary: Mike Polk

Treasurer: Robert Cavanaugh



The Auburn City Democrats meet on the second Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the Auburn Senior Center. Anyone may attend. Only Democrats living and registered in Auburn may offer, second, or amend motions and vote.



If COVID-19 numbers increase, we may return to virtual meetings using ZOOM.

If you wish to be on the mailing list for meeting and other notifications, please contact Mike Polk


Bylaws are below. Click on the pdf document to view the Bylaws.

